Mornings we are doing a little walk (but seperately - means I have to walk with Max for 15 mins and with Ben for 25 mins - later they have breakfast and after that its MY TIME. They are taking a nap for about 2 hours and then they look at me with those eyes saying: entertainment pleeeeezeeeee :) Normally I would send them outside but Max is not allowed to run around for the next 5 weeks. So if Ben is outside and Max with me he is whining and want to be outside. Entertainment program means doing some education and exercises and after 30 mins they have enough. THEN its BONE-Time and you can hear how it tasts!!!! yummmmiiiii.
At around noon its pee-time for both - and then entertainment pleeeeze again... I am doing my very best with cuddling and whatever.
Around 2 o clock pm its food time again - after that - guess - snorring time for 1,5 hours and then back to the entertainment and bones. After that a walk with Max for 15 mins and Ben 40 mins.
At around 7 pee-time again and after that they have their "dinner" - then its tv time - or radio time or fireplace time. Then they are really calm and sleepy. Last pee time is around 11 pm and then bed time. ZZZZzzzzzzzz!!!!!
We went to the vet on thursday and he couldn't believe his eyes when Max "marched" in - he first asked: This is really Max? LOL yes it is. He is very happy with his recovery and everything seems to be fine.
Monday we'll see the vet again and he is going to take the stitches out - another x-ray in 5 weeks and I think Max did very very well in his first week after his surgery. Hopefully everything comes to a good end. Right now he is lying beneath the corner seat - his head on my foot - awwww :) Ben cannot believe his breakfast is already finished - his eyes are telling me that :)
Two weeks ago I was invited to a housewarming party (and was asked to do some photos) and this is what we had as a desert - yummy!