So, now as I am a grown up I normally shouldn't behave like this but I have to say I love my birthday.
This day makes me feel special the whole day and I always have a big grin on my face all over the day.
Normally hub and I start our birthday at midnight. Hub sent me up on the 27th a few minutes before midnight and at midnight he called me. I went downstairs again and got guided into the living room where he lighted up a candle and showed me the pressies. There was a bottle of sparkling wine with two glasses on the table - I didn't expect this as hub (like me) both caught a cold and normally we don't drink any alcohol when we are "sick"....
Then he showed me my pressies - there was a huge one in the middle of the living room - a new bike!!!! Its a so called "city bike" which I now can use to do my daily shoppings. I have a mountain bike but hardly use it to do the shopping. We bought this bike 4 weeks ago so I knew I would get it for my birthday and tough as I am I didn't use it before because its the birthday present..... I got a bunch of my favourite flowers (in germany its called "Gerbera") and a blue "Hortensie"and then - yes - something more - a Pandora necklace. I got the bracelet 2 years ago and now that it is almost "finished"(I have now 20 different pieces on it) I got the necklace.
So I think I have the best hub in the world! Not just because of the pressies - he is my star!
Went to bed at half past one and got up at seven as Max was "calling" so did my usual morning work (walking the dogs and preparing breakfast). By having breakfast a little peace of one of my tooth broke and I called the dentist - appointment at 01.20 pm this afternoon .....Hub stayed at home because of his bad cold and we had breakfast. NOrmally at 9.00 my charwoman arrives - she didn't appear - half past nine - no char - ten o clock no char and I tried to call her several times - no answer. In the meantime hub recognized that Max was limping hard and hardly could use his right leg (that one with the new hip). I sent hub with Max to the vet - and started to clean the house : (.......
At 12.30 o clock Max and hub arrived - the vet couldn't see anything but mentioned there is "something" - have to see the vet who did the hip surgery and a special x-ray. I went to the city center to see my dentist at 1.00 pm and came back at 3.00 pm. Tooth is "rescued" and looks great again. Appointment at the vet at 4.30 - as hubby looked so bad with his cold I decided to do this appointment to give him a little time for himself - told him that he should take a nap as in the evening I had invited some friends. So it was me who left again with Max. Vet did a x-ray and told me that the hip is fine - no problems at all and nothing to see what is wrong. He thought that maybe Max sprained his foot or something like this. I was happy to hear the hip is okay and nothing is broken and it seems its nothing serious. So left the vet at 5 o clock and arrived home at 5.30 - and started to cook for dinner. Was ready for taking a shower at 7.15 pm and had my first "break" at 8.00 pm - friends arrived 10 mins later...
It was such a hectic and stressful day but enjoyed the evening with a good bottle of red wine and some delicious food ( I have to say I did a great meal!!!) Went to bed at 01.00 am and that was my (birth) day.
Any questions? LOL
Ah forgot to mention that Max is walking normal again - jumping around like a jojo...