Honestly I am really looking forward to autumn/fall - we had a terrible summer like last year and therefore autumn couldn't be worse. I remember we had a most beautiful autumn last year and til mid of november the temperatures were nice and we had lots and lots of sunshine - blue skies and almost no rain. - the opposite of our summer this year!
Right now when I walk my dogs in the forest there is more mud than the whole last autumn. So autumn - roll on.
This year the mushroom season started very early as it was wet the whole August and it was funny to see all those "mushroom hikers" with their baskets and knifes.... crawling in the wood.
As talking about weather it is raining again - but won't complain as it hasn't rained for more than 4 days now!
I started to run again - last year I was really good in time for a 10 kms run - about one hour and two mins - at the moment I do a run of 5 kms in 29 -32 mins - bad bad condition. But will do my daily exercise to get in a better condition soon. Hope I can do lots of outside runs as I don't like running on the treatmill.
I have moved with my office to the other half of the house and was busy doing that moving and recognized how many books about photography I own and how many I didn't even spent an eye on. So lots to read and to learn during autumn and winter - hope to be able to show some improvement here.
Thats all for the moment - still lots do do here in the new office ( I LOVE IT TO BITS) - even I am a little "away" from "home" - but maybe thats good.
Have a great weekend all and see you soon