Samstag, 9. Januar 2010

...grau in grau und ungemütlich

Was ein greisslicher Tag heute - wir sind gestern abend (naja, es war schon zwei Uhr) von unseren Nachbarn nach Hause gekommen - was eine Rutschpartie. Sind ja nur knapp 20 Meter gewesen, die haben wir uns aber am Gartenzaun entlanggehangelt.
Nach dem Aufstehen gab es Frühstück und am Wochenende ist das etwas ganz besonderes für uns: Achim und ich sitzen bestimmt 1,5 Stunden gemeinsam am Tisch und ratschen. Ich liebe das. Unter der Woche gibts für mich zum Frühstück nur zwei Tassen Kaffee und für Achim eine Tasse Tee. Wenn er dann ins Büro fährt, gehe ich in mein Büro und gegen 11.00 Uhr kommt bei mir der erste Hunger. Leider bin ich in dieser Beziehung etwas unkoordiniert -ich esse dann unkontrolliert entweder etwas Süßes oder eine Scheibe Brot mit Wurst - dies alles im Stehen und schnell schnell schnell. Vielleicht ist es ja auch eine gute Zeit zu Anfang des Jahres, sich (wieder einmal) ein paar gute Vorsätze zu nehmen - hier sind zwei, die ich auf alle Fälle beherzigen möchte:
- gesunde Ernährung
- regelmäßiger Sport

Mit dem Sport habe ich auch schon gleich angefangen - es ist lustig, wie man sich manchmal wirklich durch andere Leute beeinflußen (und das im positiven Sinne) läßt. Seit einiger Zeit lese ich hier regelmäßig einen Blog einer sehr bewundernswerten Frau, die einen ganz tollen Schreibstil hat und auch schon sehr viel in ihrem Leben gemeistert hat. Unter anderem läüft sie fast jeden Tag auf dem Laufband und hat so schon viele Tausend Kilometer "heruntergerannt". Seit 3 Tagen bin ich auch wieder auf dem Laufband unterwegs und nach einer Unterbrechung von fast 8 Wochen sind mir die ersten Tage sehr, sehr schwer gefallen - hätte ich nicht gedacht.

Ich sitze gerade in meinem Büro und sollte eigentlich etwas arbeiten - lasse mich aber ständig wieder sehr gerne unterbrechen, sei es durchs Telefon, durch Achim, der irgendetwas möchte oder einfach, indem ich hier durchs world wide web "bummele".Heute ist es ganz furchtbar draußen, es wird gar nicht richtig hell und es ist spiegelglatt auf den Straßen - Regen bei -5 Grad ist auch nicht wirklich schön. Ich bin froh, daß ich heute nicht aus dem Haus muss.
Nachdem wir heute abend Gäste bekommen, werde ich mich jetzt aber mal langsam in Richtung Küche begeben und den Fisch in sein letztes "Bett" legen - ein leckeres Gemüsebett.


What a day (grey in grey and it seems it won't be light today. Yesterday we were invited by our neighbours and when we went home in the evening (okay it was 2 o'clock in the morning) we tried not to break our bones because it was icy and slippery - although its just a 20 meters walk we "hung" on our garden fence :) ...

After getting up this morning we sat at the breakfast table for one and a half hour (as always on weekends) I love that - sitting together and chatting. During the week we have a short breakfast (two cups of coffee for me and a cup of tea for my husband Achim). Then he is off to work and I go upstairs to my office and start my work. Then later in the morning I have a something sweet (cake or something like that) or a slice of bread with some Salami while standing and eating very fast (I know that is very unealthy but maybe its time for some more intentions I made already
One of these are eating in a healthy way and doing some sports on a regular basis. Its funny how you can get your engines on by reading from others. Here I am following a blog of a very admirable woman who is writing in such a lovely and interesing style. Among a lot of other things she is walking on the threadmill and did some thousand kilometers so far..... chapeau!!! I have been on threadmill for 3 days (not the whole days - lol) after a break of 8 weeks and I was surprised how hard it is to get "used" to that again... But hopefully after a few days I am "back to my good old days"....

Right now I am sitting in my office and should work for what I am paid for but today I love to get interrupted by phone, by hub who needs something or by "stumbeling" through the world wide web... But as we are having a dinner with friends this evening I should go downstairs to "give the fish his last bed - a veggie bed"

3 Kommentare:

  1. Helloooooooooooo from a cold also lots of snow but thankfully NO rain for us today...-5 and rain must be very weird, did u take ur camera out and capture that beauty??

    Shew, that walk home must have been so nerve wrecking for you....and dangerous so pleased u got home safe - I was long before you got home fast asleep in my warm bed..hehehe.

    I cant believe you live on fresh air like that...2 coffee's for breakfast!! I love my food as u can see on my are naturally slim that is why you never have a weight problem as food is not no one on your list in life...we fatties always tell ourselves to think like a thin share ur secrets on your blog.

    Enjoy your dinner date, I cooked food for me only, my hubby will see to himself he told me, doing some blog reading then later off to bed to watch some tv.
    Chat again soon.

  2. Heee Marcelle - let me tell you something about me: If you think I don't have a weight problem you're wrong. I have to look for my weight for more than 25 years - when I was a child and teen I was sooo thin but when I reached the 20th I noticed that there was something on me that began to grow - LOL. So I always fight for the loss of 3 kilos - 3 little small kilos which shouldn't be a problem to get away. And no one understands me as I am not really looking fat but I am sooo unhappy by the fact that with every year that goes by I have another kilo more. Maybe it's something which is normal - I hate it and I always try to fight against that. When I had my 52 or 53 kilos I was happy with my and I felt right - now after reaching 57!! kg (with 163cms) I am very very unhappy - and hub always tells me I am looking good and so healthy (haaa - I hate when they say I look healthy - that means fat!)
    I know that my (almost nothing) eating is the wrong way but when I eat "normal" I feel guilty and bad. When I am counting all the calories I eat a day I think I am at 700 - 1000. For others its a diet - I manage it to gain weight!!! And don't even think that a doc is going to understand my problem - they're always laughing at me. Thanks a lot.
    But new year and new intentions: More sport - healthier eating with lots of veggies and fruits - less alcohol and positive thoughts...
    See you around here - love to read your comments
    Cheers and see ya soon

  3. Thanks for explaining this but I am going to tell you that 57kg is NOT FAT!!
    and u are eating too little thats why you cant lose the weight - you are under feeding your body and its holding on to the fat it has as it does now want to starve and start eating its own muscle.
    Add more fruit and veg it so good for our body as it needs fiber - protein and good carbs.
    Eat 3 good meals a day and 2 small snacks.
    You need to relook at this diet of yours as its going to drive you to drink...LOL..and u wanting to give that up.
    I gained weight when I stopped being active, but have now lost 22 kilo's and I did it with eating...not starving myself.
    I eat about 1 400 calories a day.
    35 Weight Watchers points.

    Enjoy the 45 min run, wish I could run today, but taking it slowly...
