Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010

Sun is shining in the sky there ain't no clouds in sight....

one of my favourite songs from Electric Light Orchestra - "Mr. Blue Sky" - that must have been in the late 70th....
Do you know that feeling when listening to a song from your younger years and you immediately get a "flash back" to this time? Sometimes I am so sentimental and emotional and I can remember what I did and remember all my thoughgs while listening to this song. So often I think that were such great times - no worries and sorrows - every problem was solved by my parents and everything was so easy (by looking back). At this time I thought everything was so complicated....Seems I am a little sobby today....
Excitement this morning as I called my "blogger friend" and I had to speak english again. Its funny by reading and writing most of the time I have no problem but starting to speak I think I am not allowed to make any mistake and that gives me pressure... So sometimes I think too much about the english grammar or whatever.
But talking to Marcelle doesn't give me any pressure as I know she exactly knows how I am feeling. And today I've learned again a little thing about the difference of an english word: sports.
For me sports was everything what depends to the german word "Sport" - skiing, golfing, jogging, soccer, netball, swimming, aerobic, basketball...... now I know theres a "sports" and a "fitness" in the english language....
I shouldn't hang around here - have to do some paper work and some emails - have to write an offer for a photobook and have to edit some photos.

2 Kommentare:

  1. I sooo understand the song thing, I think THAT is the MAGIC of music! Hope you have a totally wonderful day!

  2. ahhhhhhh your blog has changed again...its stretched...fantastic.

    Did you take this photo?? very creative..now I'm nervous again....LOL

    Sport is what you thought, but I think when we spoke about a topic and you mentioned running shoes I imagined it to be more fitness as how on earth as I meant to find pics of skiiing and all the above...
    So Fitness it will be our first time.

