Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2010

team up thursday - week 4

...for Marcelle and me. I have to say I am addicted to that - every thursday morning (sometimes wednesday evening) I take a look around at my photographer friends' blogs and every time I am blown away about their themes and their photos. I think there is soo much for me to lean and (as Marcelle once said) to think "out of the box".

This weeks theme is chosen by Marcelle and its: looking up or looking above - and again its funny to see how we both "saw" the theme and interpreted that.

 My first thought was looking into the sky and finding some nice clouds (here in Munich we don't have had nice clouds for more than 4 weeks now - always mixed up in grey - sometimes dark grey...) - and after being unable to take a nice shot of the sky I checked my foldes and found this:

This photo was taken two years ago - I can remember exactly as my "BA"d  friend Helen has been in Munich for two days (explaining "BA"d friend = friends of the Bryan Adams Fan family) and we were walking around the "Walk of  fame at the Olympic Park in Munich" - Bryan "left" his hands there in red sand....
I wasn't sure about my chosen photo - I have another in my mind but once you choose one I think thats the right one. Maybe we have a similar theme next time and I can show the other one then.
 Again - can you see Marcelles talent for those photos - I am blown away of her "finding exactly the right second"  - amazing. How she came to this photo you can read on her blog - I think most who read my blog are allowed to read hers (she set her blog on "private"). And isn't it fantastic to have such really beautiful models around? Awwww - brilliant

Take a look what Berta ; Corey; Megan and Melody did this week - more to check out are:
Joanna; Andrea; Cat

10 Kommentare:

  1. Good morning, and what a beautiful one it is here in Lauterbach!!!
    The sun is for the slight breeze to stop then it will be a perfect one for a run in the forest as went 12 points over yesterday with going to the fair...Ice cream, Champagne and strawberries and a coffee!!!! Does not take much.

    I loved both our photo's this week and love the fact we both see these theme's so differently.
    Golly I am nervous for next mind keeps wondering *What am I going to do *
    Chat to you sometime today I'm sure, and have fun..
    Thanks for being my partner!!

  2. Lovely photos, I especially like the one looking up into the sky. I'm looking forward to what you both will come up with next week. Joanne

  3. Great pictures, both of them.

  4. What I love about this Team Up, is the different ways in which each of us interpret the subject matter.

    there is no right or wrong!

    Love both of these - and how they are so completely different from one another. stunnning!

  5. Isn't it amazing what we see when we just change perspectives? Love that you were able to get a few clouds in there.

  6. WHAT GREAT PHOTOS! Love your view of this amazing tower - and I love the little fluffy cloud floating by! Nicely done. Marcelle's photo is a happy one and didn't see LOOKING UP until she explained it and YES I see it! Nicely done - you make a FUN and interesting team! So happy you're playing along with the rest of us!!!!

  7. I love seeing phots taken from different perspectives. Makes them so much more interesting.

  8. Great choice for the theme. really wonderful looking up shot. I have a similar one of the Seattle space needle. :)

  9. yours is perfect for the theme -- what a great perspective! i agree that there's so much to learn just be looking at what other pairs come up with for their themes -- really inspiring each week! i'd love to comment on marcelle's blog, but i can't access it. i'd love to be approved to read hers too:).

  10. As I said on Marcelle's blog such different ideas for the same theme - really inspirational, thank you for sharing xxx
