Freitag, 28. Januar 2011

Dog hospital here - sweeties have stomach flu....

..... and do have such a sad look as I was told not to give them food for the next 24 hours - can you believe how a labrador must feel? Normally they are like hoovers........ but worst time is over - both got two injections  - next food is around 01.00 pm - so they are really looking forward for the watch hand to moooooveeeee :)

3 Kommentare:

  1. sorry to hear your doggies have been sick. :( HOpe they are feeling lots better soon!

    love this shot. great leading lines.

  2. Got your comment and came over to check your blog, for some reason my feedreader has not brought up the last three entries....will have to re-load and see if this sorts out the problem.
    Hope your babies are all well again.

  3. Your photos are very special.
    Are the puppies feeling better now?
