Mittwoch, 2. März 2011

I want spring - I want spring....

... in the morning its soooo damn cold here - and windy - so that the temperatures do feel much colder. This morning my nose did almost freeze. 
Went to the hairdresser this morning and "left" about 10 cm of my hair there - I like it how it is now but lets see what I think about when its time to "do it myself" - latest friday.... So if you hear something screeming be sure its meee :)
Today my 30 photobooks arrived and I am now busy writing down addresses and a short note (books of photos I did at the "Ball des Sports"  -first weekend of Feb.) I was asked to shoot some photos there and now all the invited people of my customer will get a photobook of this event. Honestly I never did a photoshooting while wearing a ball gown - so a very new experience for me and honestly I didn't feel that good. Try to move freely when you have to watch your décolleté...not to mention what else to watch - LOL

2 Kommentare:

  1. I hope this morning you managed to do your own hair....
    I am loving having my VERY short hair...

  2. I am so ready for spring as well. sigh......
